Wednesday, 21 February 2007


So there I am sitting in my office at home when an email alert catches my eye. I don’t remember subscribing to Reuters or for that matter Virgin radio. One click away from deleting it then I saw the words LEGAL ACTION.

Now why would these two get all bent out of shape with a small time geek like me? I don’t remember pissing them off; I don’t recall sending them spam. There it was those cold calculating words that BOTH companies were going to start LEGAL ACTION if I continued to do what I had done to them.

My Web Site

I must admit I panicked; I know these guys are big heavy hitters and can afford the deadliest attorneys. I hope they don’t go for the death penalty for what they say I was doing. Come to think of it I might have annoyed them in some small way but it was only a suggestion. A harmless email that I thought they would be grateful to have. No Trojans or viruses and certainly not spam since apart of radio one in the UK I had not sent that email to another living soul.

I flicked through my little black book and there they were; my list of .com’s and jumping out from that list sat my best acquisitions to date. And there was me thinking it was a good idea to anticipate the podcast market. I had read that 2007 will see an even bigger explosion of podcasters and podcast domain names. Heck I even sat and watched the editor of the Daily Telegraph (UK) say that a massive shift towards podcasting and a move away from printed news media is the way to go.
Link to BBC

Link to Telegraph

Now you can understand why Reuters the biggest news gathering organisation in the world and The Virgin group both got the ass with me (wait til Radio 1 finds out). By summer 2007 much of the traditional radio, print and to some extent TV media groups around the world will be podcasting to more people than broadcasting.

The list of news podcast’s on Reuters main site Link to Reuters has grown to several pages over the last few months. Soon syndicated news will be taken direct from the net and not re-hashed as it is now (unless there is a corporate or political agenda and when isn’t there?)

Just when I thought I was in serious trouble for doing what I did, just when I thought they had missed the boat. These LEGAL ACTION emails popped into my box!

Well I can tell you now for all to see. The big boys can take as much LEGAL ACTION as they want I am not going to give up my .com’s to them I brought them fair and square Virginpodcast, Reuterspodcast, Radio1podcast and a few others which I may use as re-directs to my own podcast site if I ever put one up are all mine.

Email Me

Would you believe that after pondering for ages on what I was going to do the phone rang. It was my webmaster mate laughing down the line…why? That asshole had spoofed those bloody emails and my LEGAL ACTION will now be to go around his house and kick his geeky butt!

Mitox can be found at or can he?